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Gerald Mayhan
P.O. Box 905
Dumfries, VA 22026
Cell Phone:
Potomac Ministry Network
Special Ministries
Camp Meeting Style, General Evangelism, Personal Evangelism Training, Revival
Camp Meeting Style, General Evangelism, Personal Evangelism Training, Revival
Ministry Emphasis and Vision Statement
Gerald Mayhan Ministries is a global evangelistic outreach birthed out of a love for and in obedience to Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reach, to touch and to share the love of Christ with all people.
After graduating from high school, Gerald was married to Phyllis Riley in 1969, and then moved to Washington, D.C. Gerald was drafted into the military and served in Vietnam where he began using drugs that controlled his life for 18 years.In 1989, he gave his heart to Jesus and then entered the Teen Challenge Ministry where he was delivered from drug addiction and discipled. God called him to preach his Glorious Gospel.
Gerald is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. Gerald and Phyllis are active members of First Assembly of God in Alexandria, Virginia, where he is the Church Evangelist. Currently, he serves on the Executive Board of Directors for the Teen Challenge Ministry in Capitol Heights, Maryland. Since 1993, Gerald has been involved in the Prison Ministry.
When Evangelist Mayhan is not preaching in the prisons, he is holding revivals and camp meetings throughout the world. He was blessed to lead mission trips and preach in Israel; Antigua, Dominica, and St. Lucia, West Indies; Jamaica, Belize, Central America; and Ghana, West Africa.
In September 2002, Evangelist Mayhan headed up his first Convoy of Hope (COH) in Alexandria Va. This outreach touched over 7,300 people, 1,109 salvations, 1,189 volunteers and 54 churches participated. In August 2003, Evangelist Mayhan coordinated his second COH in Washington, DC which ministered to over 6,500 people, 1,200 salvations, 1,600 volunteers and 109 churches participated. God has guided his footsteps from the beginning of his first ministry at Howard University Hospital over 17 years ago. Evangelist Mayhan will tell the world that he is not the same, but he stands on II Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, and behold, all things are become new."
H. Robert Rhoden Potomac District Superintendent 1991-2006
Non-Resident Executive Presbyter 2001-Present
Mark Lehmann
Pastor, Cornerstone Assembly of God, Bowie, MD
Assistant Superintendent, Potomac District
Bill Roberts
Pastor, Christ Chapel, Woodbridge, VA
Executive Presbyter, Potomac District
Sullivan McGraw, agent Lead Pastor
New Life Worship Center, Capitol Heights MD
Presbyter, Capitol Maryland Section of the Potomac District
My Vision for the Local Church in the 21st Century
A church that is fulfilling the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19). In the book of Acts, Jesus went up, The Holy Spirit came down and the church went out.
My Definition of an Evangelist, and His/Her Role in Revival
Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in love, encouraging new believers to become a part of a local church so that they may mature in their Christian walk. Stirring up the gifts within us to reach the lost. There is an urgency to be about our Father's business (Luke 2:49). We must work while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work (John 9:4).
Other Comments
Please visit our website for more information on our ministry and to contact us: "So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the Gospel...." Romans 1:15
Evangelist Highlight
Dale Everett
Web Site:
Email: [email protected]
1971 Dale Everett started preaching, and spent the next 22 years as a full-time evangelist. The Holy Ghost moved mightily in the services which always lasted multiple weeks, sometimes even as many as 10 weeks at a time. As Dale declared the gospel, Jesus was always faithful to accompany His word with signs following. The services were marked with mass healings" ” blind eyes were opened; the deaf heard and wheelchairs were emptied. Many were...